Our Team


Darul Mustafa, Tarim, Yemen

Praises to be Allāh the most Merciful God, the One who is kind to us at every single moment, the One who removes us from every difficulty, the One who loves when we seek from Him and will be displeased if we ask from others.

Peace and blessings be to master of creation, Muhammad , the most merciful and kind amongst humans, the one who has taught us that mercy and kindness is the solution to all problems, the one who was kind towards humans, animals, plants, and even stones.

Erth al-Mustafa means the Inheritance of the Prophet Muhammad ﷺ

By us starting this humble organisation, we hope to do more than what we are doing today. We have the intention of spreading mercy and kindness towards every single creation starting with the human race.

To achieve what we hope for, we have divided EMF into two branches: The Humanitarian Branch and the Educational Branch. In this way, we hope to be able to practice our knowledge and to strive for sincerity and humbleness.

May this small work have a great impact on human hearts, and may it illuminate hearts with the Muhammadan light.

Shaykh Imrān Angullia al-Hafīz


C.Eng (UK), MIET (UK),
PhD (UTM-Electrical)

EMF was founded in 2017 with the aim of spreading mercy to humanity through various humanitarian projects and the upholding of traditional Islamic knowledge for contemporary days.

We do this by organising classes by trusted teachers, bridging people of different cultural backgrounds, creating awareness and educating the society for peace and harmonious engagements and much more.

Through the prophetic sunnah we are always encouraged to help our neighbours,

Therefore we set out to help our neighbouring countries here in South East Asia. Our wish is to provide help that transcends borders, races and cultures.

I am immensly proud of EMF, though still a young organisation. We work with a high level of professionalism and sincerity. We are both independent, non-political and act according to Islamic guidelines.

With the support from the team and the society, I am confident that EMF will continue its important work for years to come in serving the ummah.

Dr. Jaysuman Bin Pusppanathan


Our Patrons

We would like to express our sincere gratitude to our patrons, who help support our projects by creating awareness amongst the public.

Many of them have joined us on site for implementation of projects, going so far as getting their hands dirty by building houses alongside our coordinators and volunteers, going deep into the jungles or visiting and delivering food packages to people in need.

They are all respectable pillars of society in their respective areas and play an important role in the work what we do.

Ustaz Abdul Halim Bin Ahmadhu Kutty

Religious Bureau

Syed Abdul Rahman Al-Haddad

Da'ī - Preacher

Ustaz Salem Yusof

Religious Scholar

Syed Muhiyuddin al-Attās

Religious Scholar

Ustaz Kyrel Anwar

Da'ī - Preacher

Strategic Partner

IDDEF Chairman, Mehmet Turan Hodja

IDDEF - Ínsana Deger Veren Dernekler Federasyonu

IDDEF is an international organisation focuses on supporting local scholars and providing assitance to Madrasahs to increase quality of islamic education around the globe. We also provide humanitarian relief, infrastructure and water system projects to support their main cause. The organisation is based in Istanbul, Turkey.
