EMF Tholibaatul Ilm Asy-Syareef is our ladies’ da’wah movement, led by the honourable Ustadhah Sharifah Yasmin al-Idros and her team of volunteers.
For years they have been working tirelessly to spread the true knowledge and traditions of ‘Islām. They are based in Johor, Malaysia and have been blessed to have close ties to several female scholars of our time, amongst these Hubabah Nūr (wife of Habib ‘Umar al Hafīdz), Ustadhah Talha Amirah Novel Jindan and many others.
They are steadfast in holding on to and spreading the practices of Hadramawt, Yemen – the home of great scholars and awliyā (saints). Every week they gather for majlis of dhikr and salawāt, amongst these are the recitation of mawlid, Hadrah Bāsawdān and Rātib al-‘Aydarūs.
They always support our humanitarian causes as well, both locally and internationally. They have even set up their own local food sponsorship program, that especially caters to converts.
We at EMF are very proud to count them as our family and to work together with them serving humanity side by side.